Welcome to the course on How to Design Green Building – Basic course for Architects. 

Do you want to become a green building architect?

Designing green buildings must be the only form of building design. New, advanced architecture, looking for well-educated green architects. Our goal is for all new buildings in the world to be built as sustainable. Build green or don’t build.

We are preparing a course Designing Green architecture.
– step by step guide for beginners
. If you want us to inform you when the course is available, send us your email, and we’ll notify you.


This course is intended for architects who want to improve their knowledge of how to design a green building, energy sources and production, the different purposes for which energy is used, and, of course, how to use less energy without compromising the comfort of occupants. 

After this course, you will be able to understand and do basic How to Design Green Building that will make you a true expert in the field of energy efficiency as the most important segment of green building. Given that the course teaches calculations you are likely to encounter in practical work, after finishing it, you will feel more confident in your knowledge and be significantly closer to rounding off your knowledge of green building.


If you are an architect or a student of architecture or similar profession, and you want to become an expert in energy efficiency in building but you have no knowledge about it other than that acquired at the graduate studies, or you have no opportunity to take a course like this, or similar courses are too expensive, then this is the right course for you.

Even if you are an energy-efficiency professional or an energy auditor, this course will be useful to you because it will help you fully systematize your knowledge, fill in the gaps in it and understand all the calculations and principles in a logical way, so that you can easily spread and further improve your knowledge. 

The course can be taken by both complete laymen and enthusiasts who want to gain an understanding of the concept of green building and energy-efficient design in particular because all the expert knowledge is explained in a simple and logical way easy to understand. We want to use this approach as the principle for all our future courses: simple explanations for complex knowledge.

Who is the course intended for

Why did we create the course?

We are architects, energy auditors, with more than 10 years of experience in performing energy audits and calculations, and over 20 years of working in the field of informal education. We have concluded that the way we learned about energy efficient buildings and green building concept in general was inadequate, lacking proper explanations and relying too much on simple studying and memorizing of facts instead of enabling an essential understanding of the matter that is being studied. That outdated way of learning often comes down to complicated formulas you are just expected to memorize, very often without a full understanding of what the formula is used to calculate.


  1. Introduction
  2. Green Building Design Concept
  3. Thermal Balance
  4. Heat losses – Transmission and Ventilation
  5. Heat gains – Solar and Internal
  6. Building size, shape, and orientation
  7. Passive Systems – Heating
  8. Passive Systems – Cooling
  9. Active systems – HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning
  10. Active systems – Photovoltaic Panels PV
  11. Active systems – Select High-Efficiency Lighting
  12. Active systems – Solar Domestic Hot Water Heating Systems (SWHS)
  13. Sustainable Site – Protect nature and the environment
  14. Sustainable Site – Reuse existing structures
  15. Sustainable Site – Understand climate data
  16. Indoor environmental quality – Natural ventilation
  17. Indoor environmental quality – Natural lighting
  18. Indoor environmental quality – Materials
  19. Water management – Reducing water use
  20. Water management – Rain Water Harvesting
  21. Water management – Grey Water Recycling
  22. Smart Homes & Building Automation
  23. Reduce carbon footprint
  24. Green Building Types
  25. Optimize with Energy Modeling
  26. Rating and Certification
  27. Life cycle assessment approach
  28. How much does it cost to build green
  29. Conclusions and next steps


  • How much energy a building consumes;
  • What energy class a building is and how to calculate it;
  • How to choose the right materials and structural elements for the building envelope;
  • How to choose windows and how to compare their energy efficiency;
  • How to design the size of openings in relation to the desired energy and money consumption;
  • What types of green buildings there are;
  • How much money and energy is needed for building heating and how to do these numbers change depending on the choice of energy source;
  • How much CO2 the building you design emits and how to reduce the emission of harmful gases;
  • How the building’s shape affects its energy consumption;
  • How the size of openings and their position on the façade influence energy consumption;
  • What type of heating to choose for your building
  • What type of heating to choose so that the building consumes less energy;
  • How the site or climatic conditions influence energy consumption in a building;


and much more…

Our long-term goal is that more and more of our fellow architects gain this knowledge, so that as many good-quality, energy-saving buildings as possible are designed and built and, in the end, we do something good for this beautiful planet of ours. As architects, we are even more responsible than many other professionals to plan and design built structures in a smart and responsible way.

Our Goal

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